Sunday, 21 April 2013

Landmarks Begins film

I included film making as part of the Landmarks project because as an ex BBC type person it's a return to my roots and it's one of the best ways to get your message across.  It doesn't hurt that the Landmarks site is in the middle of a particularly beautiful landscape which I think is one of those places where you can feel the weight of history - to me it is saturated with memory.

It's one thing to feel it but quite another to put it across in a film.  On what felt like the first day in months where it wasn't snowing, raining or blowing a gale I set out with Steve Dorrington and Tristan Syrett from Aura Films to spend a few hours trying to capture the feel of that landscape and to create a film that would introduce the project.

Also that day we recorded commentary with Neil Catchpole.  I wanted a voice with a local accent and Neil lives just down the road from where you can see us filming here.  He knows the area well and has a passion for the natural world and history of the area, so he felt like the right choice.  Although he's happy talking (and singing) in front of groups of people, this was a different experience for him.  I think he did a great job!

Editing the film was not an easy job and long hours were spent adding the treatments and effects to give the right mood and atmosphere.  I hope you enjoy the results...

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