Friday, 18 January 2013

We’ve been successful in our Heritage Lottery Fund bid - hooray!  This fund was 9 times over-subscribed but we were one of the lucky ones and now we have £10,000 to spend on a year-long project called Wormingford Landmarks which will explore a prehistoric site near the River Stour to discover more about the first people to settle in the area thousands of years ago. 
The money has come from the All Our Stories Fund which followed on from the BBC series The Great British Story – A People’s History presented by the gorgeous Michael Wood. The idea is to get people inspired to find out about the heritage in their local area.
So we’re going to learn archaeological techniques like fieldwalking and geophys but we’ve also got a variety of hands-on activities designed to make connections with the past which we hope will appeal to everyone - walks, talks, making an ancient soundscape, documentary film-making, Art workshops, an Exploration day with demonstrations, finds handling, stop animation sessions and a historic garden.
We would love to hear from schools, colleges, teachers, students, families and individuals - anyone interested in getting involved with the project.  Please have a look at our website, email wcec12@gmail or call 01787 227307 to register your interest.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a really exciting and fascinating project!
